What more can you say than "FANTASTIC!"?

User Rating: 8.7 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved X360
Okay, so I'm totally addicted to this game. I find myself usually playing it when I wake up in the mornings, right before I go to bed at night, and in between every other game that I'm about to start.
The vivid colorful explosions are hypnotic. Mainly because I usually stand right in front of the screen trying not to blink so I don't get hit.
I've also found it very helpful to turn the geo wars music off during game-play. When the music is off, the player can then hear everything that appears on screen...even when they don't see it.
All in all...I think this is the best 360 Arcade game that one can play right now.
My only wish for this game....is for me to finally break "1 million" points.