Runs great on XP. Hi-res modes don't make it choppy on even an average PC like 1.86 GHz Intel Core2Duo + a 120$ 8600 GT.

User Rating: 9 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved PC
Speaks for itself. GIve it a try if you haven't played anything like that yet! Like it or not, it's highly addictive for people who like 4$ retro challenges.

I use a Logitec Rumblepad II. It's a Playstation style gamepad and fully compatible with this title. You must use the controls menu to map right stick for shooting directions first!

I haven't tried mouse and keyboard support yet.

I suck at playing games like this but sometimes I feel I must shoot the hell out of some geometry stuff and this game does the job well in serving my hunger for arcade classics. A musthave...