An AMAZING game, with great controls and intense gameplay. I wish the games would last longer, or I got better, haha.
User Rating: 8.6 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved PC
Geometry wars is a great game, I enjoy playing this all the time. The graphics are sweet, ESPECIALLY on an HDTV. The music is nice, goes with the mood. All around a great game. I wish I understood the game better personally. Basically the point is how many points you can get. There's a red circle that appears that if you shoot starts twirling around and sucking in enemies, it's all about strategy. They can help you out by killing enemies but if you don't shoot it before it explodes, then it shoots tons of little things at you causing some problems. My high score is around 300,000, but that took quite a few times of playing, it's not an easy game, but it's a great, replayable, well controlled game.