This game is THE BEST GAME on XBOX 360

User Rating: 9.3 | Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved X360
If you have a xbox 360 and you havent played this game, you are making a big mistake. Believe it! This is a reason why you got this console. You can't play this game anywhere else and it is one of the best arcade games ever made.

The graphic is beautiful, everything just catches your eyes easily, the control is simple even your grandpa can grab and play it. And the most important thing is, the gameplay is just so much fun. It's simple in terms of the gameplay but it is a difficult game..

To everyone that has a XBOX 360 and haven't played this game:

Download the game NOW on XBOX LIVE, get a free trial version and play it, it has got a time limit of 5 mins, but believe me you are going to die in the first minute. Once you can survive the 5 mins without losing any life, then spend 400 MS point and buy a full version

Again, if you have a xbox 360 and not playing this game, you are missing something really really big in your life.