One of the best rts ever,too bad that it have a tiny hype,the game is a legend

User Rating: 9 | Ghost Master (2003) PC
The RTS genre is considered by some gamers pretty boring or nasty or "uninspired" so sick puppies released a game called ghostmaster!
Storyline:Amazing.You have to freed your master,known as darkling so I don't who sent a squad of ghosts to scare away the residents of GRAVENVILLE!!!HA HA HA HA !!!!!!....Sorry.So you must get through 3 acts to free him(this is my version,so it might be wrong),there are also references to a movie like Blair Witch Project.
Gameplay: It's absolute fantastic and I've found just a few bugs which are totally fixed by some patches so the game it's almost flawless.
While at some RTS the camera may be annoying(e.g Rome total war) here is fully customizeable so you can move it to your perfect angle because some actions requires some quick reflexes and i think that the camera is what you need,if you understand what I'm saying.In this game you don't control soldiers or what else fantastic creatures like in warcraft,no you control ghost but in a unique way,using their powers...each ghost owning a special one.But like the other rts out there you need...resources so in order to use the ghosts powers you need plasm and it can be acquired by scaring or even drive them crazy
Probably the most enjoying fact about your missions is that you unlock the ghosts trapped in the house and you'll have to freed them in such an brilliant way,for an example(warning spoiler!) you'll find later in the game a ghost called sparkle and to set him free you must light a campfire and to enjoy you much the quest can be done in so many different ways but not only this,the others too.
You keep your ghosts in a house(result from the intro scene) where you can upgrade their powers using instead of money a thing called gold plasm which can be acquired by successfully completing a mission and stuff like that,ghastly stuff......The big disappointment in the game is it's length the campaign can be done easily in 15-20 hours or less but it have also a huge replay value due the fact that you may be missed a ghost or you didn't have the occasion to unlock a power and stuff.What can I say more the gameplay is great and it can be easily be addictive.
The graphics are also very great and I found some bugs though the animations are very realistic and it's almost look like a simulator,in which RTS you've found that the victims are going to need the bathroom?Probably the most bad aspect of the game is the voice acting,well they scream realistic but when they are talking each other they might looking like:BLA BLA BLA BLA you'll not understand nothing.The AI of the victims is also pretty good and there's no need to talk about this because you must play it!!
Value: Ghostmaster overall is an outstanding game and you should play it no matter that you aren't a real-time-strategy fan.Oh i forgot to say that it deserves it's money too!