I think Kratos and the Spirit of Vengeance needs to have talk about stolen gameplay.

User Rating: 6.8 | Ghost Rider PS2
I rented this game not sure what to expect. It was a 2K game so I figured that it can't be too bad. But, then again it is a movie tie-in and thats usually the kiss of death for a video game. I wasn't too happy when I seen the story begin unfold in a similar fashion as it did in the X-Men 3 Movie game. The predrawn scenes. No movement no animated images. Just a bunch of stills. If you are going to put out a game based on a movie and even if say you can't get the stars attached to the movie on board from the game.....at least give me some decent cinema screens! Sure it saves money but, to me it just comes off as cheap.

The actual gameplay starts, and its like...."Wait a minute....This isn't Ghost Rider...." Fixed camera in strange spot? Main character has chains attack, and high combos counts?" Hmmm.....its like Kratos suddenly became the Spirit of Vengeance?! Even the power up system is ripped straight from God of War. While this definitely takes points away from originality...if you played GoW there is no reason you can't just jump right into it and go. However there is one part of the game they didn't lift from GoW, and I wish they had left out....The motorcycle levels are cheap, and badly constructed. Especially the jumps. At any given time you will more than likely have to repeat a jump sequence a few times over due to not getting enough air on the jump. Or not landing on the next platform, or getting too much air and hitting something. That last one is so frustrating. You finally nail a difficult jump but then Ghost Rider falls off his bike and dies because he hit a wall ABOVE the jump and screws up your landing. The jumps, and landings are a bit easier to nail once you get the ability to hit a double jump but, still it isnt the easiest thing to do. And you will probably end up repeating the same jump more than once. Its a decent game thanks to lifting the GoW gameplay. But, I cringe to think that if the same kinda gameplay that is the motorcycle levels had been put into the on foot levels how bad the game would have turned out.

I definitely recommend a rental from the game to try it out.