It's a tragedy that such a great movie was turned into such a bad video game. Ghostbusters the game only took six weeks to make. And if you play it, you won't be suprised. The game is tedious and frustrating. The goal is to earn money by catching ghosts to buy better equipment. Sounds ok, but it doesn't work well here. In order to get from point A to point B, there are god awful driving sequences. Apparently everyone else on the road is drunk, because they'll swerve right into you for no apparent reason. And when that happens, money is deducted from your account for the vehicle damage. This is almost impossible to avoid, so you spend most of your time just trying to earn enough money to pay for your car. Then there are the actual ghost catching scenes, which have plenty of faults of their own. If you manage to get to the end, you're greeted with the following text: "Conglaturation !!!
You have completed a great game. And prooved the justice of our culture. Now go and rest our heroes !" What is that? At first glance it appears to be Engrish. But the names of the designers don't support that. So I'm guessing it's just plain laziness, which is all too common for shameless movie cash-ins.