This game IS NOT a total bad its Surprisingly good acualy

User Rating: 8.5 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game DS
OK my first impressions of the Ghostbusters on DS was a little off considering the rating on Gamespot But there score has terible underestimated the game in my option.

OK lets talk about the game

You get to drive the ECO-1 witch is awesome,I do admit the controls could have been better but its not major. Wile you drive it around town you are timed BUT only on missions,not on a free drive (basically drive around town,looking for ghosts',missions,and just to drive (and the cool thing is it plays the awesome theme song of Ghostbusters AND you can make the siren notice also,[can turn it off also])

The game play is neat, you can play with one of the four official GBs and you can witch out instantaneously during a mission.
To fight the ghost you get to use the ray gun they use, its pretty simple, touch the screen with the DS styles to shoot (same for the ECO-1)

You can also take on various side-missions or take on the story mode missions (both are fun)

You can get upgrades in the game as well. Save up money and slime for the upgrades. you can find the slime during you missions, or side missions. (upgrades consists of the following, Plasma ray,Traps upgrades,Body armor,Radar upgrades,ECO-1 upgrades and some others stuff, I am pretty sure of)

The camera angle is obviously an sorta overhead view but the way its rigged up makes it all work well.

Now for your teammates,there A.I. is not that dumb as Gamespot lets on (or I don't see it cause they help me when I fight a ghost). You can equip them with other stuff (other than the plasma ray gun, like health items and what-not).

Now the graphics are not the best but there worse (but the ones on here are not bad but to picky people I guess too bad for you)

well there is my review over Ghostbusters The Video Game.[DS]

If I haven't convinced you Yet then rent the game at least.

here is a short version with numbers

gameplay 4.5/5
sound 5/5
graphics 3.9/5