It's more fun than the review says it is. I liked it the minute I started playing it!

User Rating: 9 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game DS
The game is a lot better than what the review says. I have never played a Ghostbusters video game before this one. I read the Gamspot review and almost didn't get the game but I decided to anyway. lol. The ghost can attack you off the screen but it is really easy to find where they are because you can just shoot in the direction the flying blob, or whatever they shoot or throw comes from. It's pretty simple. I also don't get the complaining about the controls. When I play everything does what it's suppose to. I switch characters, say commands, attack, etc. with ease. The time limit while driving the Ecto- 1 can get annoying but to have fun in it or listen to the whole theme just go for a free drive.You do lose some reputation when you go for a free drive. But it's easy to get your rep. back up anyway though. Also once you get a high enough rep. you can get extra money. The sounds, one liners, controls, and graphics are all pretty good for the ds.

One Liners:10/10