Murray, Akroyd, Ramis, and Ernie Hudson star in a great game written by Ramis and Akroyd. GB is very promising already.

User Rating: 9 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game PS3
I know what you're thinking. UGH!! A Ghostbusters game, what a dumb idea, that won't work. If you thought that, you wouldn't be to bright.

STORY: Humor and excitement often flood this experience. Exciting boss battles are fought with satisfying weapons. Is that not enough, well the "regular" ghost battles are like reeling in a one heck of a fish (its fun, its exciting) But there is a downside, some ghosts although they seem tough, don't really hurt you at all, this drags a pinch of the excitement out, but reeling those ghosts keep it all fun.
Another flaw is you don't see as much of Bill Murray as you'd like. It being a Ghostbusters game and all, you'd like to see more of him.

ONLINE: Play as Ray, Egon, Peter, Winston, or the "rookie" online.
Catch ghosts on the offense or keep ghosts away from a certain thing on defense.
Overall, online is pretty solid, but it would've been nice to play the REGULAR campaign online.
You play with three other people who may or may not care for your fall, then you'd have to wait 30 seconds to get up which is kind of odd that you just get up after needing help. But that is only problem.

OVERALL: Ghostbusters is pretty much what it needs to be, despite a few flaws. The great Ghostbusters experience would please you whether you are a fan or not. This game, IS pretty much a sequel to the great series.