The film-game we've been wanting for years.
All the characters make a return (minus Rick Morranis and Sigourney Weaver). So expect to hear the voices of Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, William Atherton (yes, he does make a return in the game) and Annie Potts (brings the atmosphere to the HQ).
It is remarkable as well with all the little "surprises" found within this game. Most of the ghosts that were found in the movies are within this game in some form or another, e.g in between missions while you are at the HQ, looking around is an interative picture of Vigo. By interactive, i mean you can make it talk as such.
There is a training level which begins as it should do right at the start. There, you learn the basics of controlling the proton stream and using the trap(s) to catch the ghosts. The Proton pack (and stream) will be used the most, there are other features including Slime (Teather feature as well) and Electro Streams which get added on as you progress through the game. These are used, but not as often as the Proton Stream.
The PKE meter will be used a lot, because Egon tells you to use it all the time to find stuff needed to progress. The levels are well thought out, well designed and contain hidden artifacts (usually 2 or 3 per level). Again, the PKE meter should be used to scan everything you see. Gives you more knowledge and information about certain enemies and how to defeat them in battle. There will be times you will go solo in levels, but you will be updated with information from Egon and Ray about where you should be heading and to re-group as quick as possible.
Sometimes throughout the game, it can get frustrating when you are attempting to trap a ghost and you get attacked by another one. The rest of the Ghostbusters can take their time in a way when it comes to reviving you (well, it does feel a long-time). Especially in boss battles, when you have to keep them on their feet to stand any chance of beating the boss.
Another niggle is that during battle(s) you can get annoyed by hearing Peter saying "ow" every so often, more often than not.
Other than that, this is well worth playing just for that nostalga feeling and to hear Ray Parker Jr singing "Ghostbusters" in between loading screens and when you "die".