Gonna Tell You A Story About Alittle Game I Know
The game has all the comendy of the movie plus mosre. You'll notice thing like talking vigo in the firehoure. It has everything a ghostbuster fan could want. But when you get down to it you find you hardly use most of the proton upgrades they give you. You teammates are helpful at times but when you need them to stay alive or be smart and avoid attacks they dont. You will spend time reviving them so you dont fail the mission if you go done. Now on pro you die a good amount of times and thats where the problem lies. The load times are bad where i have time to read.
The thing i like the most is the PS3 version you can take a photo of the game by pressing the ps button and going to pictures and take a picture of what you are doing in the game.
I havent tryed the mp but if its like the single player then it should be tons of fun. I recommend for no gb fans just a rental or buy it used for i would say it would be worth at $40-45. If your a true fan then its a buy for sure