Definitely for fans of the movies

User Rating: 8.5 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game X360
It has been a long, long time coming, but we finally have a great Ghostbusters game to enjoy. There are minor flaws abound, but overall it's a game worth buying.

When you start up Ghostbusters, you'll find yourself in the iconic firehouse seen in the films, as Ray and Egon explain your proton pack and its features to you. You play as a nameless, silent Ghostbusters recruit. This works just fine for the game, as you get more dialog from the four main Ghostbusters, all voiced by the original actors. You can expect to run into other characters from the films, such as the Stay-Puft marshmallow man.

Gameplay is handled mainly through a standard over-the-shoulder camera angle. You'll often run into ghosts; some of these are minor enemies that can be zapped with your proton ray until they disintegrate. More powerful ghosts, however, must first be weakened by the ray, then held with a capture beam and finally led to a trap laid by you or another Ghostbuster. One problem with aiming the proton beam is that it can be quite jerky to control. Ghosts usually move at a pretty rapid clip, so hitting them can seem more difficult than it has to be. Luckily you don't really have to go for headshots or anything like that. You can also use a PKE meter to go into 1st-person mode and check your surroundings for hidden ghosts or collectibles. While all this is happening, your health, beam heat, and other information is relayed to you through icons on your proton pack; a concept familiar to anyone who has played Dead Space. Unfortunately, the health bar is pretty small and hard to read in the middle of a battle.

Graphics in this game are great in HD, and the ghosts look great. Facial animation is superb; the Ghostbusters look just like they did in the movies (the game takes place in 1991). Your proton beam will scorch walls as you try to hit ghosts. On the other hand, minor framerate issues occur when a lot is happening on screen.

Ghostbusters really shines in the audio department. You'll hear the soundtrack from the movies all throughout. And the voice acting is top notch; the main cast provides tons of dialog, with plenty of jokes to go around. Your weapons seem to lack an audible punch, though. They look great, but the sound seems so quiet. I guess it was sort of like that in the movies.

Overall, Ghostbusters makes for a surprisingly enjoyable game, and a definite purchase for fans of the films.

P.S. Don't cross the streams, it WILL hurt you.