What about the Twinkie!?
In the game (which actually takes place in 1991) you play the new recruit. Simply put, the game is very fun. There is not much new here as mechanics go. For those of you who've played Gears of War, you might find some of Ghostbusters control style to be similar. Busting Ghosts is very rewarding fun, especially the more difficult ones. It gets a little repetitive and I wish your ghost busting comrades could take a little more ecto to the head before needing to be revived. (like GoW, someone fall down YOU pick 'em up). The game looks very sharp and multiplayer is extremely fun. Just don't cross the streams, unless you want "all life as you know it to cease existing at the speed of light".
The game provides some depth with upgrades to weapons and gadgets. You can choose to load completed missions and replay favorites. Ramis & Aykroyd deliver great writing with funny dialog. The game is an easy "10" with any hardcore Ghostbuster fan. The game's story sets you against some of the franchises best known baddies. It's worth a buy, especially for the co-op multiplayer. Happy Busting.