Full of childhood nostalgia but sadly very little else

User Rating: 6.5 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game PS3
Ghostbusters is one of those games that initially has people recoiling at the thought of another shoddy film tie in. However considering its been over a decade since the last film, and the people who were at one time so excited by proton packs, marshmellow men and lived in fear of an evil painting have grown up its reassuring to know that a lot of care seems to have been taken in capturing the tone of the much loved original films.

The game plays like a huge nod to the first movie, with a Gozer exhibit seemingly bringing back many of the Ghostbusters classic enemies. The missions revolve around a simplistic formula, investigate an area from the films, capture ghosts, buy upgrades, repeat.

Whilst the locations are familiar, and the fact you play as an entirely new character, letting you actually fulfill the childhood fantasy of being a Ghostbuster, the game doesn't take the characters forward in any way. If anything the whole game is essentially the same as after you've watched a film and you go "hey, remember that bit when..."

That said there were only so many moments that did this in the films, which is a shame as it means after the great sequence in Times Square where you chase Stay Puft and fight him whilst hanging over the side of a building, and discover FINALLY what all the stuff on top of ECTO 1 does the game never really manages to regain that great sense of nostalgia that it hinges on in the early stages.

If it managed to it would have been fantastic, it would have been even better if the story had moved the characters forward, but sadly it just refers to the films and nothing more, and is over far too quickly. The inclusion of the original actors as voice overs is a welcome feature, and again it helps to make you nostalgic for the original films, it's just a shame that the game whilst starting off so positively descended into a quick tour of past locations and a brief nod to the previous plots instead of creating a new Ghostbusters story for the people who spent their childhoods wondering just how much fun catching ghosts would be.