Ghousts,proton packs,slime? how can you go wrong right mutiplayer mode that will pull you in like a slam dunk tra
better then i actually expected i didnt think i would be so hooked on it but after so many hours after beating
it and the excessive mutiplayer games this game isent one
of those games you will be playing for awhile
i found the hardest diffucltiy still too easy like there are some
perks that you get stuck on such as the flying books in the thrid level The library gets annoying when your
trying to run past them several times with out a strategic plan there
there are lots of times were you need a plan you cant just proton blast your way through everyone...
if your looking for more of a challenge and more achievements think about
doing the little things asked on each level such as fixing the coats
at hotel sedgwick,or blasting all the bush's on shandors island it will earn you
and extra 10gp for each of the challenges completed
and for even more keep playing multiplayer and you will start to earn lots of these wanted acheivements.