Very nice, and very short.
Where to start? I know, the story. So, a few years have passed since Ghostbusters II, and you are a new recruit for the team, an experimental weapons and technology tester, nicknamed "Rookie" and "Cadet". The game opens with a cutscene in which we see a giant wave of Psychokinetic Energy bursting from the local museum, specifically from the new Gozer exhibit... wait, Gozer? The Mesopotamian god from the first movie? The very same, so ant this point you kind of know he's trying to come back and you'll probably fight him as the last boss... but, the game has some surprises for you. So, a certain Class V Full Roaming Vapor or Repeating Phantasm we all know and love as "Slimer" scapes from the GB HQ and the team follows him to the Sedgewick Hotel, and one thing leads to another, unfolding the story. Dan Akroyd himself (Ray Stantz from the movies, and screenwriter of the two movies) wrote the story for the game, so you can be sure it's packed with quality and funny moments.
Now, the most important aspect of a game, the gameplay. If you have watched the movies, then you'll instantly know what every piece of equipment is for, and you'll know what to do.
You'll find yourself using your PKE Meter a lot which work in conjunction with the Ecto-Goggles, this way you find Paranormal activity, leading you to Ghosts and collectible cursed artifacts. Once the ghosts attack, you must weaken them using your Proton Pack, but what IS a Proton Pack? Well, it's an unlicensed nuclear accelerator or positron collider... in other words, a backpack that shoots orange beams. Once you deplete the Ghost's life bar to a certain extent, the beam wraps around it, and it's time for the catching. Of course, you must deploy the Ghost Trap, and wrangle the ghost around to build up the "Slam Meter", once it's full, you slam the Ghost on the floor/wall//ceiling to stun it, finally leading it to the trap, which opens automatically and sucks the ghost in, however, you must make sure it stays within the light. Other ghosts do not have to be trapped and must have their life bar completely depleted.
Th gameplay mechanics seem fairly simple, don't they? Well they are, they're easy to get used to and never get old, seriously, few things are more satisfactory than watching them being sucked into a trap after struggling out of your grasp. There are other additions for the Proton Pack, like the Shock Blast (Basically a Shotgun), that blue stream that freezes ghosts, the slime blower (used for certain ghosts), slime tether (used for pzzles) and the meson collider. Also, a nice detail they added is that if you cross the streams for more than 3 seconds, all the team gets knocked out, why? Total Protonic reversal, try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every particle in your body exploding at the speed of light.
It's a pretty straightforward game, go from point A to point B, catch some ghosts in the way and fight a boss at the end. However, that's what makes it so great, catching ghosts is pure fun, and in a game like this you don't want to waste time investigating or solving too many puzzles.
If it's so great, why give it an 8.0? Like with SoulCalibur IV, lack of replay value. Once you finish the game, there's not much left to it, I mean... you can easily get half of the trophies in your first play-through, they aren't all that hard to get... and for some reason, you just don't feel like beating the game again on the highest diffculty just for that Gold Trophy (Even though I'm gonna do it, eventually), collecting all the cursed artifacts and getting all the ghost scans is rather easy.
Now, there's the multiplayer, and to get some of the trophies you must play it, however, while it is very fun playing with other 3 dudes, it may get old after a while, and getting all those trophies takes too much time.
So, final verdict? While it is a great game packed with quality gameplay, it falls short due to it's lack of replay value, somewhat bringing down the experience since you can beat the game in around 8 hours. So, if you're a fan of the Ghostbusters and have been expecting anything new from them, definitively go buy it. If you aren't really into the franchise, I suggest you give it a try if you can afford the money, or at least rent it. Because despite the short experience, it's awesome.