if you can look past all the corney jokes this game turns out to be p retty good

User Rating: 8.6 | Ghosthunter PS2
this game started out with me thinking it was going to be corney and not worth my time, but as i got farther i saw that this game is pretty fun. you just have to look past the some times corney jokes and figure out the some what difficult puzzles. the story line isent really strong but it is still pretty good. it is deffenetly worth a rental or maybe even buying for $20 or less. the cover makes the game look like something it is not. it looks like a real dark, scary, and creepy game when really its just alot like Ghostbusters... all and all its still a pretty good game but nothing to "write home about" but should be checked out by any fan of ghost busters or even resident evil.