Editor's Say - "Boring" "The fall of G.I. Joe!" Find out what i thought...
*****READERS NOTE*****
My reviews are purely my own thoughts. I respect everyone having his or her own opinions, so please respect mine. If you come across any mishaps in this review, please feel free to message me. Thanks.
Genre(s): 3rd Person Action
Age Rating: 15+
Contents: Fantasy Violence
Difficulty: Extremely Easy
Less punishing playing with a friend
Terrible camera views – Redundant mission objectives – Dull, boring and unsatisfying combat – Weak cover mechanics – Vehicles are crap – Poor sound design
"It's not better than the film… but then again the film wasn't that good either."
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is the video game adaptation of the film. While both the game and the film bear the same name, the game carries on after the evens of the film. The Rise of the Cobra was developed by Double Helix Games, and published by EA for the Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Nintendo Wii, and DS, with the DS version being entirely different from the rest.
Even thought the game does share the same name as the film, the game takes place after the events of the film. The Joes continue the fight against the Cobra's and against James McCullen who has became Destro, as well as Bareness, the Cobra Commander and Storm Shadow. The Joes learn that Cobra is making a pyramid-like fortress in the middle of the Jungle and must do everything in their power to stop Cobra from posing a threat to the world.
G.I. Joe's plot unfolds during missions briefing, radio communication during gameplay, as well as cut-scenes.
The overall presentation is pretty poor. Unsatisfying cut-scenes that build up a ridiculously underdeveloped story, weak gameplay that consists of tedious mission objective and boring gameplay mechanics. The game does feature quite a lot of characters to play as, but they're not good enough to make the game any more than what it truly is… dull!
While is may pass on the visual department on the PS2 etc, for this generation consoles the visuals are pretty terrible. Overall level design is unsatisfying, textures are rather dull; especially when up close. Overall character modelling and special effects are pretty poor. On the PS3 and Xbox 360, G.I. Joe is an ugly looking game.
Overall Game-play:
The first thing you'll notice when playing G.I. Joe is the automatic camera view system… it's atrocious. Despite the gameplay being repetitively boring, the uncanny camera system (if not everything else) will easily be your biggest irritation. The camera does a bad job at keeping up, especially when you're going down slops, moving round corners and playing with a friend on co-op. More often than none you may find yourself playing about with the right thumb stick (which you would think would control the camera view) in hope the camera will respond to your cries.
G.I. Joe consists of 20 levels split up into 4 different interface locations. Playing one level at a time unlocks the next level. The main primary levels consist of 3 levels in each location i.e. you only really need to complete 12 level altogether to complete the game. The other 8 levels act as side missions. Each level has its on location theme depending on which one of the 4 locations your currently playing (the first locations is a Jungle theme), as well as having a set number of chapters ranging from 1 – 4. Depending on what difficulty setting your playing i.e. Normal Mode, each chapter act as a checkpoint so if you where to die during the course of the game, you will respond at the beginning of the chapter. Playing on Easy Mode you'll have infinity lives, and playing on Hard Mode you must restart the level from the beginning. All three difficulty settings are relatively easy.
The gameplay is very simple; you simply keep your finger on the fire button (R2), and never let go whilst moving around dodging enemy fire. Your health regenerates over time. At the start of every level (mission) you must pick two characters you think are appropriate for the mission. The first character you pick will be the character you play as; where as the other character will be played by the computer A.I. (or by a friend if your playing in co-op). Playing solo you can switch between the two chosen characters by pressing R1. Every character has their own different weapons and abilities. As you get further into the game you will unlock other playable characters, as well as Cobra characters. Each level has hidden (which is not that hidden) doors that can only be opened by a certain character type i.e. a Commando, Heavy Weapon Soldier etc.
The game is literarily you moving in a linear path going from A to B, whilst completing mission objective that consist of ether destroying radio towers, destroying certain objects before proceeding, fighting a certain amount of enemies in order to access control panels etc, to primarily complete a level. During a majority of the levels, you will encounter mini boss fights, including main boss fights at the end of each location. Boss fights result is pretty much the same idea as what you've already been doing throughout the game; keeping your finger on the fire button whilst moving around dodging enemy fire. Boss fights are less challenging than trying to finish the game. Even playing solo, boss fights can feel pretty redundant.
Throughout the game each Joe member (as well as Cobra characters) share the same special ability, the "Accelerator Armor". The Accelerator Armor is triggered when you achieve a set number of kills, and is indicated at the top centre on the screen. Simply pressing the *Triangle* button will activate the c.l.a.s.s.i.c. "Yo Joe!" battle cry and transform both your characters (whether playing solo or with a friend) into the Accelerator Armor suit seen in the film. Whilst in the Armor, you are impenetrable from taking any damage, and your damage is increased for a set amount to time. The Accelerator Armor is perhaps the best thing about the game (perhaps the first couple of time you achieve it). The problem with the Accelerator Armor is that is shares the same button as your "Action" state. *Triangle* is your action button when your wanting to activate something i.e. entering a vehicle, accessing a computer terminal etc. Sometimes you may find yourself accidentally activating your Accelerator Armor, when all you really want to do is enter a vehicle etc.
G.I Joe also features vehicles in the game i.e. tanks, jeeps etc. Each vehicle has a mounted gun turret on top. When a vehicle is entered, both characters automatically enter the vehicle together. Playing solo you can switch between the driver seat and the mounted gun turret by pressing the switch character's button. Driving a vehicle is perhaps the most tedious thing about the game (besides the terrible camera view system). You can either move the vehicle by pressing the acceleration button (X) or by moving the left thumb stick forward to accelerate or back to reverse. Steering your vehicle can be somewhat confusing depending which way you are facing, and which way the camera decides to move.
To add to the list of tedious things is the targeting system and cover mechanics. The computer will automatically target a random enemy for you. You can switch between targets by moving the right thumb stick to your desired target. The problem with switching target is the game seems to get confused with trying to target a moving enemy. Instead of simply moving to your desired target, it will slowly move through each target on the screen one by one, which will probably result in you forgetting about switching targets and just shooting whatever the computer targets for you. The worst thing is, when you enter a room full of bad guys, the targeting system will feel the need to target bonus point cubes first, rather than enemies who pose a threat to you. It can also be quite hard to select or switch targets due to the camera being slightly positioned wrongly.
Cover is another redundant aspect in the game, because you really don't need to use it. Pressing the X button next to a surface i.e. a wall or a bunker etc puts you in cover. Once in cover you are hidden from enemy fire (naturally), as well as regenerating your health slightly faster. Whilst taking cover can prove to be a handy feature, you'll very rarely ever really need to use it.
*****SOUND DESIGN*****
It's cheesy, what more can one say. It fits the whole G.I. Joe cheesiness well, even the c.l.a.s.s.i.c. "Yo Joe!" does have a charm, but not enough to save the game.
Sound Effects:
Dull, bland, and very simple. Like sound effects you get free of the Internet.
Voice Acting:
Same actors from the film, but badly edited and slightly more cheesier than the script writing in the film. The film felt more "realistic" whilst the game felt more like a cheesy comedy.
*****LIFE VALUE*****
Main Story:
G.I. Joe's campaign will last about 8 to maybe 10 hours, but can feel like a lifetime due to the dull gameplay.
There are collectables to unlock, but if it weren't for the easy platinum trophy, why would you bother?
Replay Value:
Other than playing the game again to get the ultimate prize at the end… "a platinum trophy", the game offers no real added value.
Aside from the game being poor, I had no real problems with any technical gaming issues… funny that ain't it?
There is only one reason why I play games like G.I. Joe, Transformers, Ghostbusters: The Game etc (besides being a hardcore gamer)… nostalgia. Growing up, G.I Joe, along with Transformers etc, was a big part of my childhood. There is no doubt that sometime during my childhood (and I'm sure many have done as well) thought "they should make this into a game or a movie. It will be epic!" sadly, this is NOT epic! G.I. Joe (even though it is kind of cheesy I'll admit) should have been an epic movie and game, which now takes me to what I believe is the problem… soul! Developers today, don't put enough soul into there productions, which is kind of sad.
G.I. Joe (to me) would have made more sense had it been released as a PSN or Xbox Live arcade game, if not just on the PS2 or last generation gaming console… or just a college class project. If it was I probably wouldn't be too harsh towards the game, but the fact is G.I. Joe is indeed a game released on shelves for the full game price, which I personally think it's ridicules but that just me. With all the other poorly developed games out there, I guess Double Helix didn't feel threatened. Even with big game developer EA stamped on the front cover, in the end, G.I. Joe is a waste of time. If it was just released as a last generation console game, it wouldn't stop it from being a poor (and dull) game, but it wouldn't be anything (I would say) worth talking about if it was otherwise.
The game continues from where the film left of, and for it being a continue from the film, it fails to keep certain facts correct i.e. Storm Shadow dies at the end of the film, yet he's alive in the game? A majority of the Joes are magically captured in the game without explanation but hey, it's G.I. Joe right?
Aside from the poorly developed story, the gameplay is so redundantly poor, which literally consists of you keeping your finger in the fire button while your moving around dodging enemy fire… and that's it! I don't know about you, but I just didn't find it fun at all. Even playing the game on hard mode added no challenge to the game, which I know because I was sad enough to get a platinum trophy on the game. The only time the game became remotely satisfying, was sharing the boring gameplay with a friend on co-op.
If you want a literal answer, G.I. Joe is not a terrible game… for the kids. It's just a game that's poor for this generation. It's not fair to compare the game with the big boys but when you see games like Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, or even Lego games or Ghostbusters: The Game and then you see G.I. Joe… you'll know what I'm talking about.
I believe every game out there has room for improvement, even my all time best game. These are the five things that I think need improving. May it be for general purposes or for a possible sequel?
1. Camera views: Either position the camera better, or allow the player to have the freedom to move the camera as they see fit.
2. Gameplay: Constantly keeping your finger on the fire button wears of after the first 30 or so minutes.
3. Boss fights: Make boss fights more challenging instead of them just standing in one spot, and occasionally teleporting to another location throughout the fight.
4. Vehicle: Take them out… there's no need for them. Putting in vehicles does not make the boring gameplay fun.
5. Sound design: Better voice editing and overall sound effects.
If you're a hardcore gamer who wants to play every game known to man, maybe looking for a game to shut the kids up, perhaps maybe you did like the film (I won't judge), or even if your just a trophy whore… G.I. Joe may have something there.
Story – 3/10
Dull, boring and nothing memorable.
Online Multiplayer – N/A
Life Value – 5/10
G.I. Joe consists of 20 levels, over 15 unlockable characters and plenty of unlockable items to find, which should last you somewhat 15 or more hours before gaining 100% completion, if your up for playing more of this.
My Thought Score – 3/10
G.I. Joe is the type of game that will make your brain go numb. I found it an unappealing game that I never wont to play again. This has nothing to do with it being G.I. Joe! It's because it's a poorly developed game with no fun factor.
Presentation – 3/10
Unsatisfying cut scenes, dull story, weak special abilities and weapons, unappealing voice talent and sound design… but there are a lot of characters to play as!
Graphics – 2/10
Compared to most visually appealing games today, G.I. Joe somewhat looks last generation material. Pretty decent environmental modelling mixed in with dull special effects, dull textures, characters modelling and graphic glitches.
Game-Play – 3/10
Never take your finger of the fire button! Boring, repetitive gameplay that results in extremely bad camera views, tedious mission objectives, unsatisfying and unchallenging boss fight, combat and cover mechanics.
Sound Design – 5/10
Extremely cheesy music score mixed in with poorly edited voice talent from the film, unappealing and tedious sound effects.
Concept – 1/10
G.I. Joe is an outdated game that offers nothing new to this generation of gaming.
G.I. Joe Review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]