Never thought i will be playing a PS1 game on the 360
First, you control your character with only one analog, reminded me when i was playing old PS1 games with D-Pad no to mention the oudated graphics. There's no crosshair so you just shoot and run circles with the left stick to hopefully lock on another target. Camera angles can be really bad since you can't change angle (usually with the right analog) so sometimes you end up getting shoot at by ennemies in your blind spot. I had to give up on the game after 15 minutes, i couldnt take it anymome. I dont want that crap to ruin my childhood memories of GI Joe.
Voice acting seems to be made by porn actor/actress like they were reading it on the script.
Word of advise, grab the Demo on Live before buying/renting or even downloading this game cause it's totally not worth it.
Dont know what they were thinking when they develop that game but it would have made a more descent title if it would have been a FPS and not some boosted NES version for the 360