Good interface but terrible control and graphics
Unfortunately, it's too bad nostalgia is that the only thing going for this title. The graphics are very bland. It would have been much better in 2D. Why is everyone so adverse to making quality 2D titles with rich colors, detail and shading on the DS? This doesn't need to be in 2.5 D At the very least, the type of 2.5 D that the DS limited polygonal support doesn't pull off very well
But that could be forgivable if the game controlled like a dream. Unfortunately, the control is horrible too. Even worse than the graphics. The game is plagued by VERY sticky corners and diagonals. There are no options to strafe - a basic necessity for a top-down shooter. You can't fire while walking. This game simply has terrible control. No excuses for poor play testing or lack of executing on fixes suggested by play testers. Stay away my friends. No amount of week-day afternoon cartoon nostolgia and Hasbro collectibles envy can change the fact that this is a horrible title