If you love guitars or drums at all, you'll love this game.
As the title suggests this game is Guitar Freaks 4 and DrumMania 3 put together into one happy package. Although the majority of this review applies to the DrumMania portion of this game, because I love playing the drums more than the guitar, anything said about the DrumMania mode applies to the Guitar Freaks secion as well.
Your enjoyment of this game will greatly be determined by how much you like the songs in the game. Most of the songs are rock & roll, but there are some hip hop and wacky songs thrown in for good measure. There are aproximately 20 songs in this game. Which is a sad disapointment because the arcade versions of both games contain even more songs. I can't think of any good reason why Konami has decided to leave out certian songs. It's not like they ran out of room on the DVD or anything. Even Konami's Dance Dance Revolution series pack 40+ songs.
This rather small song selection also limits the replay factor of this game as well. Once you're able to play a song on it's highest difficulty with ease, you'll probably want to master another song. Unfortunately you only have about 19 other songs you can master.
Don't get me wrong. It is a blast to try to master your favorite songs, and it is an even greater blast when you get 2 friends with guitar controllers over and have a drum controller as well. You can do this thing like a jam session and you can all play together on one song, each person playing their respective instrument in the song. It's crazy super fun, but good luck finding people with guitar and drum controllers though. Some game stores sell the guitar controllers, but it can be very hard to find a place that carries the drum controller.
If it wasn't for the limited song selection, I would have scored this game even higher. This game is easy to learn and very fun to play. Though I wish Konami would bring more Guitar Freaks & DrumMania games to the consoles (I think they are currently at DrumMania 11 in the arcades). But hey, I learned how to play the drums in real life with this game! And that's always a plus.