Ok Focks this game amazed me so much that the could be called a game to play the graphics are so good as if that the movie is going on and you are playing as the hero.the sound is dantastic in these stages only the first intro the titan stronghold and the boss music the graphics are so so good that first i thought that this is not a game this would be the best graphics game ever made i have also played doom 3 on ultra setting but the graphics were never so good i have to play quake 4 yet but t cant also get all the lightning effects that gladiator had to offer so fairly the game is very good and yes to acceliam studios if you would have made this game a little easier all kind of gamers could have played it.but of cource there is one game which beats gladiator hollow and that game is god of war.that game i cant mention just now that was my dream game but i could not play it because i dont have a ps2 AND my Comp Configuration is as follows. My Pc Configuration AMD athlon x64 3200+ Nvidia geforce 6200 TC 1 GB ram A8N-e Motherboard 160 GB Hard disk Windows XP SP 2 Editon
Other Helpful Reviews for Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance
I found this game to be better than most people give credit to it. I really did enjoy this game. It gets repetitive at times, which hurts the replay value, but I enjoyed it because it is a bit different than most games... Read Full Review
Let me start this review by stating that this game can be fun. The opening level was one of the most delightful slice-n-dice stages I've played in years. It was bloody, visceral, and came close to reminding me of one o... Read Full Review