An innovative strategy RPG with great animation, timing focused turn based combat, and deep character customization.
User Rating: 9.4 | Gladius PS2
Gladius is a rare beast. Although its story can be a bit campy at times, and moving through the game world and the various menus in towns can be confusing, the flow of the game is just about right. Your characters progress steadily as new game play is introduced and learned, and there's two long campaigns that easily make the game worth twice its asking price. The main focus of the game is of course combat, and it is all turn based with meters. Each swing or other action requires you to master one or more meters in order to determine critical successes or failures, which means there's no one to blame for the outcome of a given battle except yourself. If there's any real complaint its the fact that I haven't heard about a sequel yet. This game demands one with better visuals, a more adventurous story, and more of that great combat! Gord_Mose