This game is a game that my brother bought about two years ago for 5 dollars.Now in my opinion,I would say it was the best 5 dollars anyone could have ever spent.It has great graphics for the year that it was made,but the bad thing about this game is that it is not popular since there were no commercials for it or anything.Good luck finding people to talk about it with.This game is a RPG thayt uses the old-school turn based style that you saw in many ps1 games.That is one of the things that makes it such a great game to play.Since it is turn based and none of this real time crap that you see nowadays, you have to hae startegy and tactics to win the battles in this game.Now when you forst start the game you might be aable to overpower your oppenents till you get to the steppes.Thats when the strategy you need has to kick in or your gonna get killed fast.The worst and probably only bad thing about this game is that sometimes when looking at your school of warriors or geeting out of a shop or vendor,It will lck up on you.Thus causing you to turn it off and doing everything over that you hadn't saved.Now even though this happens it is still a good game for someonle looking for a great rpg to pla for awhile.Just save often and that won't be a problem.There are many classes of wariors that you can recruit into your school in gladius.Some examples are Cyclops,Bandits,centurions,and dervishes.Those are only a few of the many classes that you will see in Gladius.There are some classes that you can't buy but can fight and get things from them.There is a good amount of side quest in this game that you can do to get extra stuff to help you out in the game.You also have to buy weapons for your gladiator so that they will have the advantage in battle.This game also has a great story line vfor either characther you decide to pay s.Rather it be Valens or Ursala,it up to you.There are some classes of warrior you can recruit if you do certain leagues.This is one of the many requirements to get some f the bezst classes in the game. All in all Gladius deserves a 9.0
Gladius is a pseudo-RPG released by LucasArts in late 2003 that, while critically and popularly acclaimed, just didn't do so well on the sales front; think Okami, Beyond Good and Evil, or Psychonaughts. This is a shame,... Read Full Review
I'm not much of a strategist and I've never completed a full-blown RPG like the Final Fantasy games. Those facts are discouraging yet didn't keep me from purchasing this game. And, with a detailed tutorial-like intro to ... Read Full Review