Missile command goes global!

User Rating: 5 | Global Domination PC
Now here's an interesting concept; you are the rookie commander at the Universal Tactical Response Agency (kind of like a U.N., but with less political bickering). Your task is to lay down a global smackdown on 'rogue' countries or subduing regional conflicts by showing who's got the bigger gun. At your disposal are a number of missile silos, sometimes aided by bombers and submarines. You'll need them all because you are up against the world's reserves of strategic missile weaponry.

The action takes place on a fully rotating globe divided into country-like regions, each boasting their own assets. Basically you rotate the globe and choose to intercept incoming missiles or attack using your own by frantically clicking all across the world.

You'll get a vague FMV briefing at the start of each mission, but you will often find that you have no real clue what to do or how to achieve it. A manual would have come in handy, if there was one. This game has lots of potential, but unintuitive controls means you will lose battle after battle without really knowing what you did wrong, until by a sheer stroke of luck you find out. Extreme patience and devotion required for this one, otherwise don't bother.