Progressively fun and good for all ages.

User Rating: 9 | Glory Days 2 DS
First time I played it I died literaly on the game. The controls are easy and you get full briefings. The swap from hellicopter and plane between missions is good as you get time off from each vehicle. The helicopter's speciality is to pick up civilians to gain extre cash or to pick up soldiers and the drop in a different location as parratroopers. As the game progresses you can get troops, tanks and other units to create. If you don't feel like playing tha campaign then youcan set up a custom battle with up to 12 flying vehicles. The bad was that toward the end of the campaign line the missions start becoming devilishly hard with more tactics and stratergy coming into play. The player can also use 'special weapons' which are gaind as an award for accuracy. Some of which include missiles (helicopters) and Bomb raids (plane). I like the game and still play it. It even supports multiplayer, but the other player must have a game cartrige of it.