Go Go Ackman!
User Rating: 8.4 | Go Go Ackman SNES
Go Go Ackman has never been released in America and of course, never will be seeing as it's a little late for that. You play a little demon child named Ackman, the son of Satan, and have to collect souls for him. Tenshi, an angel, tries to stop Ackman from his little soul collecting spree, but of course that doesn't stop Ackman and his flying demon helper, Godon. You must keep collecting souls while trying to beat Tenshi. Go Go Ackman is a platform game that is somewhat like an anime. You can get swords, guns, and other things, even drive a car! It's a fun game but a bit fast at times. But Go Go Ackman is definetly a good game for Anime Freaks... LIKE ME!