The beat is.....Off?
Graphics: Meh, Characters look pretty good and sharp with some fluid animation..But the backdrops, And just about everything else looks bland, And cheesy.
Gameplay: Fun, Cant lie. Its mashing buttons to what it tells you on screen, Most of the time though it is completely off beat and has nothing to do with the song your actually listening to. The puzzle part kicks in after you hit the button sequences correctly. Thats the fun part. Think of it as a much faster Zuma, With more to do then just clearing rows and rows of multi colored objects. It gets addicting to beat that high score. Best part of the game. Easily.
Sound: This is where the game is a failure to me. NONE of the songs interested me in the least bit, I love hip hop (Not mainstream), Some Drum n Bass, And other elements of music. But the music here is Ridicolous. Its cheesy, Off beat, And not in the least bit "Hip".
Overall: Cheesy little package, Youll see lines such as...Yo! Why do they call you Slim? Slim replies with: Im PHAT, Just leave it at that. Uh...Wow. These are some suited up white guys in an office that the only street knowledge they probably do have is MTV. Youll laugh at the stuff they put on screen. But i ccant lie, Its a fun game. And for 800 points. I was down. Im done with Almost every acheievement. But ive easily put forth about 7-8 hours into the game. Not bad..But nowhere near as good as it couldve been, Give the trial a shot..If you like that, It gets a little better.