Good game flawed by major software bug.

User Rating: 5.8 | Go! Sudoku PSP
Wow, I am saddened by this game. I was able to play about 5 puzzles before the dreaded, "ATTENTION! Please Wait." errors started. You will get these with the US version about 2-5 times a puzzle. This causes you to lose concentration, and the time still counts against you while you wait 2-4 seconds for the message to disappear. This obviously kills and great game concept. Do not buy it until the bug is fixed on the US version.
Otherwise, the graphics are good on the eyes, which is all you need in Sudoku. The sound is actually peaceful and helpful for concentration. Endless puzzles with ability to download. Cheaper at $30. does not matter BECAUSE IT HAS A MAJOR BUG. Folks, do they really test these games. Oh, I'm sorry....Ubisoft says the error is not as bad when the PSP is plugged in. Gee, thanks. I can play Sudoku on my computer plugged in. Duh.