Cheesy boring game maybe for the Young ones but that might bore them too!

User Rating: 4.5 | Go West! A Lucky Luke Adventure DS
It starts out as a very fun and interesting game with it making pretty much full use of the functions of the DS, but overtime the repetitive levels make it really boring.

You play as Lucky Luke of course, the hero to save the gypsies from the hand of the evil Mayor who is trying to use unscrupulous means to acquire their land. He has given you 80 days to reach to the other side of the world, otherwise he will take over the land of the gypsies. This is roughly from what I can remember.

You control Lucky Luke and play games like

1) Using the stylus to make him jump over trams, stones and go under signboards.
2) Putting in the ingredients to cook the soup and you need to chop the leg, stir in the ingredients left and right.
3) Moving the wagon in between other wagons and getting to a certain coloured wagon in a time frame
4) Configuring how the 4 brother bandits must move to get to the wagon which contains their loot
5) Movie the stylus while having a shoot out with the 4 brother bandits

and this are the 5 mini games you play for each level, there might be a couple more but I can't remember. But the mini games doesn't change and all it does is each game for each level gets harder. And for each mini game that you pass, you move on to the next day of course.

I was almost up to the end of 80 days when I accidentally hit the "Not continue journey" button or something and bang I was pushed back to restart everything from the beginning. I stopped there as it was too boring to play everything over again.