i dunno
User Rating: 6.5 | Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde PS2
I don't really know, I mean, I haven't played it for a LOOONGG time. That doesn't really matter though, because I think I remember just enough to review it. Basically, you just take command of a group of some weird goblins, get resources, and attack other weird goblins. It isn't anything that is too groundbreaking or important, in fact, I don't even care at all. It was sort of fun, but didn't really provide the full sustenance of an RTS game. The big, powerful...don't remember what they were called...like "special" units were kind of fun, but other than that, there wasn't much to this game. The campaign was ok, but I don't really feel that anyone cared. I suppose one could go dig for it at the bargain bin, but it really isn't one you need. I'll admit there isn't much in the name of console RTS, but if your just looking for overall, general RTS...go for Civilization 4 or maybe Warcraft 3 or Starcraft 2. I just don't see why you'd need this game. -Skalokos