A combination of a fighting + action + beat 'em up game. Sw33t!! Learn to appreciate it for its true worth and purpose.

User Rating: 9.2 | God Hand PS2
Now, first thing people need to keep in mind when they think of this game is "close an eye on EVERYTHING else but the battle". Why? Cos' this game is focused and made exclusively (pretty much) for the battle system. Period. It doesn't take itself seriously, so neither should you. The story is er... okay... because that's not really the point. All you need to know, and all that is the point in the story is that you HAVE the GODHAND. Why and how and what you're gonna do with it has really little meaning, cos bottomline, you're here to kick sweet ass.

Now as for music, it's generally good. It fits the mood and atmosphere of this ridiculous game. Most people should find it likable for a start. Problem is that this game has very few tracks in total, so you'll be listening to one same track again and again for a while. People who can't stand that finds it a problem, but I say close an eye. It's not the worst thing that can happen in a game.

Graphics. Yeah. This is a litttttle bit of a problem but again, yeps, close an eye on it. Okay, so the level design and textures are bland and blah, so? We're not here to drop our jaws and be in awe of gorgeous graphics becos if that's what you're looking for, wait for the PS3 or something, and Final Fantasy should satisfy that. But no, we're here for the martial arts. The man to man kung pao fu. lol. Of course, having great / better graphics wouldn't hurt, but it just happens they focused so much on the battle they neglected the graphical aspect some bit. It can be disappointing yes, but it doesn't change the fact the game is fun to play. It's just less eye candy to the viewer, and that's not something that takes away the game's soul~~!! So live with it, it's still not the worst thing that can happen.

And now, we get to the 'difficulty' issue. I've read a couple of the reviews here before writing my own. A good 50/50 say it's just right and hard. I say it's in between, but if I have to choose one, I say just right. For those who find it hard and put that as a negative point, ever wonder WHY it's made to be hard? It's not like Clover/Capcom wants to annoy the hell or heaven out of you, you know. Since the game is focused entirely on the battle that everything else somewhat suffers, Clover would at least make sure the battle remains fun, because that's pretty much the only thing about the game that is *excelente*.

As Gene, you have the godhand with the power of god. GOD! The godhand grants you invincibility! Even tho' it's only for a very short time, hey, you still kick major ass in that time. So okay, imagine weak enemies coming along and you send them all flying to the next galaxy. Where in heaven is the fun in that?? O_o If the game can never be praised for its story, graphics, design and the sort, it should at least be praised for its gameplay for it to be worth anything. Making the game easy is not gonna help achieve that. Cos now what will players/reviewers think? "Oh noes!! Story sux, graphics sux, musix sux, level design sux and ppffftttt the game is easy as hell and the entire game is royal suxxxoorrzzz!!"

And er... I don't think any game maker would like that. O_o'' If the battle is all they can give, then a hard battle would be what is desirable. Anyone who complains and whines about this is either not trying enough, or just wants the easy way out. I mean come on, the game can be hard but it's not impossibly hard on normal mode! Give it a chance. If it's still too hard for you, there's always easy mode. It's there for a reason. >_> (By the way, you WILL kick a LOT MORE ass in your 2nd or more playthrough after Gene's godly moves are unlocked)

Godhand is one of the only few games that allows absolute freestyle in the way you play your game. No two people play this game the same way, ever. You create your own combos and link different moves together to your very own preference. You just gotta make sure they connect and are effective. There're 114 techniques altogether and over 20 different special (roulette) moves. Think of how many different combos you can possibly form with that?? I'm tempted to babble on and on but I'm just gonna end it here before it gets TOO long.

As a conclusion, this game is plain fun if you know how to appreciate its worth, which you should. There're a few other issues, like not being able to bring over what you've bought from one cleared game to the next, and not being able to replay older stages just for fun or to earn money. Although disappointing, that shouldn't be a reason why you should never try this game. For once, be a god =)