Gaming nirvana.
Your fighter can be a brawler or a kung fu drunken master. The fights are challenging with a flair for the outlandish. The boss fights are amusing as well as a test of game skill. Knowing how to use the controller goes a long way in playing this game. This is one of the funnest games I have played in a long time. This is one that many gamers will return to again and again. The fighting arena is a game in itself with the challenge level set weither the player is rocking the game on easy, normal, or hard. The soundtrack ranges from surf rock to 70's funk and fits the game nicely. Those that finish the game will be rewarded with a ditty that will make most gamers smile, laugh, or just giggle. God Hand was not made to be a movie so the graphics aren't Final Fantasy quality but the graphics are well done, but sometimes you'll be able to see through walls which is not a bad thing as enemies can be seen before you get to them. Enemy types are not that varied but there isn't a game with varied enemy types. Overall, the fun factor of God Hand is excellent and to a lot of gamers that is a big plus. Diffulculty can be an issue for some but choosing to continue adds a life bar, an orb for a special attack, and pick-ups. God Hand is a treat for anybody willing to play it.