Going back and playing this before GoW 3 comes out makes me just as giddy as the first time I killed a god.

User Rating: 10 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
The God of War franchise has revolutionized the hack and slash genre. No other game has been able to deliver as smooth, brutal, and great of combat as GoW has done. Although there are several good clones out there, GoW is certainly the one that gave birth to them all. The graphics although a little tattered by todays standard are a bit worn. But if you buy the collection that is remedied very well. And on top of the fantastic and unforgettable enemies and battles there is a greatly interesting story underneath it all.

It is a little bit more pixelated as you would like on the PS2 system but certainly not bad. And you will soon forget about them because the architecture, and other objects in the game look great and never bore you by just being the same throughout the game.

One of the greatest things about the GoW series is the fact that the controls are so easy to get used to and never feel ackward. Even the most devastating combos in the game are very simple to execute. The one things bringing down the score is that sometimes after blocking I would do a move that I did not want to do that would leave me vulnerable. It is really the only part of the game I would have to worry about hitting a button to soon and have to hold myself back a little bit.

Although this is certainly a hack and slash game throughout the course of the game there are many different puzzles for you to solve which is a wonderful filler between the gaps of the larger battles. Although you never really feel out of the battle throughout most of the game you also feel as though you are really getting a lot done in the world itself. The many different enemy types keeps the game fresh as well because you need to be concerned with each enemies moves and counter moves. And although having to remember each of the enemies attacks sounds a little overbearing to keep the game fun, the enemies moves are easy enough to spot coming to be ready and blocking is all you really have to do almost every time.

Whether you get done ripping the eyeball out of a cyclops or simply open a chest the sounds really emphasis's the feeling and epicness of whatever you are doing.

Throughout the game more and more of your interesting past is told to you, giving you a character to care about more then some faceless hero that you control. It helps you understand what drives your character to do what he is doing and helps you understand why he is so uncaring and spiteful.


FINAL: 9.8