Amazing game this is....!
I just bought a PS2 and I bought alot of platinum games. God of War isn't just the best platinum game from the 4 I bought, it's one of the best, if not thé best game I played this year. There I said it:D
The game offers a interesting story in a interesting setting, and great action in a "movie" like way of playing(changing camera standpoints, zoom ins with combo's, awesome cutscenes...)
It looks fantastic, and that comming from a guy that plays high end PC games and Xbox360 games. I still find this good looking, compared to other games in 2006. Ofcourse it has lower polygons and less detailed textures, but overal this game still looks great today, and must have looked awesome last year on the PS2.
The game plays amazingly good, it never bores you, wich is great. The combo's fill your needs, when you snap a guy in two, you just put your teeth together and move along with the combo, like you where doing it yourself:D
The only bad thing about this game is....I dunno...there isn't enough of it?
If you want a great action/adventure game, buy God of War. If you want a great PS2 in general, buy God of War! I could easily recommend it to anyone(above 18 that is, the game has some really brute action and nudity.)
If you would excuse me, I have some badass moves to perform!