This game is the true GOD of ps2 action\gore games, those who miss it shall be punished by the Gods!
The game takes you on a journey where you just get glued to the screen with the super astounding graphics, the frame rate is perfect throughout the entire game in times when the fighting is really fast while there is a really big bunch of various monsters closing in on you though sometimes the non rotatable camera get a little itchy it really doesn't cause that much of a problem.
The sound is great too as it really makes you feel that you are on a quest concerning the Gods. At times the sound really makes you feel like you've done something really honorable when you have just solved a puzzle or killed a vicous beast...that feels awesome, in a way encouraged.
The gameplay and replay value is awesome too. There is tons of extras to unlock and each of them are worth the time. The'll just have to play it to understand the perfection of the controls.