This is why i play video games....

User Rating: 10 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
God of war is one of the best games ever made, do you wanna know why?, read on...

God of war is a masterpiece in every aspect

let's start with the Gameplay, God of war is satisfying to play and it is quite easy to get the grip of.. Kratos uses a combination of melee combat and magic to Dispose of all his enemies, Kratos is equipped with a Chain like weapon which gives great originality to the game, the blades of chaos are like weapons found in no other hack and slash game, as you progress through the game you learn new attacks and Devastating combos which can silence waves of enemies, The combos system in god of war isn't the most advanced, unlike Devil may cry and Ninja Gaiden, the combo system occasionally feels like just pure button mashing, another great part of the combat in god of war is the context sensitive buttons which pop up on Weakened enemies, pressing the correct sequence of buttons unleashes some brutal and cool looking finishing moves which are impressive to watch...even if the combat isn't as deep as the other games, the combat system is fun and you will have great fun playing... you will have so much fun ripping heads of enemies and cutting greek mythological creatures to pieces... Kratos learns new magic attacks as he progresses which are vital and when used in combination with melee attacks, kratos can cause mass destruction, another great part of GOW are the puzzles, which can be challenging but should not be much of a problem to overcome if you use your intelligence, and are not frustrating or boring which is a great achievement by the makers of this game..... The bosses in the game look menacing and the boss fights are quite amazing and challenging but you should not have any problems beating them... this is an M-rated game for a reason, and you'll know you'd think that god of war is perfect right???.

the gameplay feels a lot more button masher friendly than the other games, which sometimes makes the game feel too easy or sometimes repetetive, and the puzzles at the end of the game are just not on par with the rest of the game, they are old fashioned boring or irritating puzzles without much Creativity which is certainly a weak spot in the game, i wished there were more types of enemies in the game and a few more boss battles... and the sex scenes and nude topless women sometimes seem unneeded..

Story sound and Graphics - God of war is an epic tale and will get you hooked in the moment you play it, the story is epic.. there's emotion, sex, betrayal, Revenge, suffering and everything you want from a block buster movie.... the game consists of Amazing Voice acting, sound effects and music which just suits the game right...., and the best part of the whole game is Kratos himself, kratos is an unforgettable anti-hero, who would kill anyone or anything just for his own, Kratos is bad a@@ to the Max, a spartan who could slaughter anyone that came his way, and you will like him... Graphics are just about the maximum a ps2 can dish out, every detail has been finely tuned to make the game a visual masterpiece, you really feel like you are in Greece rather than some Fantasy wonderland place, and the creature design is just unbelievable, you can immediately identify which creature it is from greek mythology... Overall this is a must buy, even if you don't have a ps2, just be proud to own a copy of this...

God of war is up there with the best of this great console known as the ps2, it certainly is not perfect but it damn near comes close, This game is original, innovative and fresh, and definately sets the standards for videogames to come, this is exactly one of the reasons why i play videogames,

all credit goes to the makers of this great game....