If you dont know wether to get this game or not - Get it!

User Rating: 9.8 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
When i first heard about it this game i checked it out on Gamespot. Downloaded all the movies and ramaged through the pictures. They and he gamespot Review made me realise this was a great game. I liked the fighting sequences in the movies and the way they talked about it in the review and i enjoyed the movie-like game design.
So i decided to buy it, and i got to tell u the first few minutes with the cutscene in the begining got me, it was so cinematic and the way they decided to make the game giving u what would presumably be the last clip of the game at the very begining.
After the 2 minute cutscene ended the game actually started, and from the very first second i could see i was going to like this game, the action was right on, fast past and very addictive. Fighting the lowest in enemies was an amazing experience because u keep advancing and collecting more experience to trade-in for better weapons. The action in the game is combat and A LOT of it. The thing is that its simple, all u pretty much have to do is button mash and u can dispose of many enemies but that dosent make the game boring because u can use brain to toggle in and out and after a little while u have a variety of moves that if u master (and u can!) you can not only defeat ur enemies with greater ease but also more fun. So that means that u can focus on the more important things wich is moving at first but then u can get WILD combos and dozens of attacks other then concentraing on the simple fighting. This game is beautifully built! The magic is an ven better part! you get 4 kinds of magic until the game ends but u have 3 for the most part, the best ones... and if ur meter is full enough, magic meter that is then u can use the magic to its fullest and after u upgrade boy will u see those combos flying.
The gameplay repeats itself a lot but it NEVER gets boring or repdetive in a bad way because u get stronger enemies and most of all u get better weapons. Each level is great and ull feel like ur a master after a littel while when u get a hang of it, even in the hard difficulty and thats also why its very fun.
The game has quite a few puzzles, some big and take a long time to finish and in wich case ur rewarded handsomly and some smaller, ones that fit into the actual gameplay and enhanse the experience very well.
The game is devided into areas, and getting from one to the next is very simple, usually u have a cutscene and then your immediatly transfered to the next level, almost no loading times at all!
If u die, wich will probably happen a lot on the more trickier levels (Dont worry its not as bad as is souns). then ur transfered to a screen where u can choose to continue from the last saved point or quit, but hell u wont want to quit...
The game lets u save every so long via a shiny vortex pretty easily but it also saves the game every few minutes so u dont have to worry about it very much.

The thing is - This game is AWESOME! The only bad thing is that the game does have some pretty eratating spots where u feel like u just beat it, mabe 1 or 2 in the whole game but only in the last levels of each difficulty. But hey if i got thourgh em u can too!
After u finish the game at a normal difficulty u can access the "Challange of the Gods" - a HIGHLY challanging 10 levels that only the Best of u will beat, the last level is like 10 times harder then the hardest part of God difficulty, took me aroung 8 hours to beat, but its sure rewarding! because then u get all kinds of costumes, and in one u have UNLIMITED MAGIC, and after u play the game ull realise why thats the best idea ever.

This is he BEST game ive even played and i would totally advise anyone who is used to gore and a few pics of nudity to buy a copy right now! just get up and GO GET IT!!!