Awesome game, a must have. BUY IT!!
This is a third persone action adventure game, good storyline, good gameplay, good graphics, good sound, good camera, cood controls... what else could you want? The game is highly addictive and the only problem that comes to mind is that it could of been longer. I made me want more, I was sad that it wasn't longer because I wanted to play more of it.
In the gallery section (or whatever it's called) from the extra features you can see they wanted to add a cyclops enemy also, but it didn't fit with the story apparently. That's too bad, it could of made a nice enemy... especially after seing the cyclops picture cos then you really want to fight some cyclops.
To get into more details other than just "good", the music is excellent, the graphics are awesome - very detailed, the gameplay is great - you can see they worked on it and added some very good stuff... BUY THIS GAME NOW!!