If you ever find yourself playing God of War do yourself a favor and quit when you are about 90% finished with game. Be happy that you have played a great action adventure game, because if you don’t quit you will be asking yourself what did I ever do to God of War to deserve this. I know it’s supposed to be hell but it’s not ACTUALLY supposed to be hell. By far the greatest thing about GoW is the combat. By far the worst thing about GoW is the platforming. The combat will make your cry tears of joy. The platforming will make you cry tears of anguish. While I prefer the combat of PoP (Flipping and wall bounding) to GoW (Decapitation and torso tearing) it is still great. Sometimes you just want to grab someone and rip them in half. GoW affords us this privilege in a very satisfying way. However, do not confuse video games with reality because when you come across a platforming portion of the game you will want to do just that, mercilessly kill someone or something (Most likely your PS2 controller) with no regard for decency. The platforming in GoW almost, almost, almost makes this adventure not worth while. However, in the end you will be left with the joyful memories of slaughter and be able to repress the crippling memories of jumping, falling and dying again and again.
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