I dare to say that this is one of the best games that Sony has ever owned.

User Rating: 10 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
You're Kratos, a Spartan warrior who sold his soul to the god of war: Ares. Under his command Kratos murders people, burns down villages but then - you'll see when you play why - something snaps. He doesn't want it anymore, he wants to get rid off his curse. You start in a large boat where you need to find your way to Athens. In this 'beginning' level you'll get some help of the computer saying what you need to do and how. It's kinda of a tutorial but with a freakin' sweet boss: a 50 foot Hydra. You'll see this till the end of the game, all the bosses you'll need to fight will be so awesome. Maybe sometimes easy in Easy and Normal mode, but once you play in God mode, that's when you see even more how beatiful this game is. The amount of combo's and in which way you can mix them a little bit to get high scores. The weapons and magic are all perfectly made, from Blades of Chaos to Medusa's Gaze. It's all wonderful. The more enemies you kill, the more orbs you'll get to level these skills. And of course, how higher the skill, how nicer the combo's you can do and the more destructive magic. The fighting goes so smoothly, this is like a 'lightened (easier)' version of Ninja Gaiden. And that says a lot. But not only the combat is perfectioned, the movies in between, the story, the puzzles... All are perfect. The only thing you might say that's not 'perfect' is the lenght of the game. In about 10 - 15 hours (the first time) you'll be defeating Ares. But after that you just play in God mode or Challenge of the Gods (man, defeating CotG in God mode is worth it). After defeating the challenge of the gods you'll get some funny outfits like a scuba-diving Kratos, cow-Kratos, etc. Conclusion: this is the action-adventure for PS2, there's just no better.