What can be said of God of War? The game freaking rocks and that’s because it delivers what gamers want, action!

User Rating: 9.4 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
What can be said of God of War? The game freaking rocks and that’s because it delivers what gamers want, action, action, and more action! The graphics are incredible and the graphics engine really pushes the PS2 to its maximum limit. The voice acting is well done. In the game you play as Kratos a Spartan who murders his family under the manipulation of the God of War Ares. So, the game is a revenge mission set in ancient Greece. This is an M-rated title, so expect lots of action and blood. Each hit on the enemy feels hard and pounding. This game is complete with puzzles and action that fits together in a seamless blend. If you are into Devil May Cry, and if you love Greek mythology, you’ll love God of War. It’s worth the $49.99.