severely underwhelming
User Rating: 5.2 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
previous to getting this game, i had heard exstatic reveiws from just about everywhere reviews can be found, i had heard of how inovative and super fun it was, and sadly this game is anything but. from the begining, i was underwhelmed by the graphics, gameplay, and most everything else this game had to offer, the story may be it's only saving grace, although it in itself seems far too short, the gameplay is most easily related to a poor man's devil may cry, having pretty basic hack and slash type gameplay with some magic and RPG elements thrown in to try and differentiate it from other hack and slash games, another original element thrown in is the "quick tap" and "random combo" features, where you are given the opportunity to finish off an enemy fast and get extra health or magic at the same time, while this may seem inovative it is severely overused and after a few hours of gameplay it serves only to wear on the game, there isn't much in the way of sound, and in summary, if your thinking about getting this game, try devil may cry 3 before you do.