Brutal Art

User Rating: 8 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
In God of War you play as a spartan warrior named Kratos. He is basicallly out for revenge on the god of war. The game is based on Greek mythology so if you have ever read about that you will recognize allot of gods and creatures.

The game looks great for being on the PS2. The graphics is good but the best thing is the great amount of detail in the environments. You can tell that a great amount of time has been put into making the game look as good as it does.

The game is basicly about fighting hordes of enemies. This part works just fine but its not the best fighting system i have seen. The fights looks really good. They are really bloody and brutal but that is kind of the charm of the game. It looks beautiful even if blood is flying all over the place.

The swords you begin with is really cool but isn't really good in close quarters. One interesting part of the fighting is the leveling system. You can upgrade your weapons or magics to learn new moves and do more damage. This is great because you can build your own fighting style.

One of the things that surprized me the most is the puzzle solving. The surprising thing was that they are actually quite good. Really logical and not to hard.

The story is great for this kind of game. It keeps you wanting to continue playing to find out what will happen next. The story takes you to many interesting places that all looks different from one another. The game is actually quite long. It took me about 10 hours and that is a really suiting length for this kind of game.

So to summarize this game. If you like challenging and powerful fights this game will not let you down. I have given this game alot of cred so why not give it a higher score? I don't really know why, but the game just didn't blow me away. It was a little to much platforming feeling to it for really being amazing.

But none the less this is a great and challenging game you shouldn't miss if you are in to the Action Adventure genre.