As far as action-adventure games go, God of War is a page-turner.
But enough about the title character, is the game any fun? Judging from the near unanimous proclamations of gamers everywhere, the answer is a resounding "Yes!" If you're a PS2 owner and you have yet to purchase this game, do yourself a favor and go out now and buy this great title, it's a "Greatest Hits" game so the price is quite affordable. However, if you are an intellecualist and would like to have in writing why this game is so great, then I am here for you.
Number 1: Combat and Gameplay.
Simply put, combat in God of War is both intuitive and engaging. Although you'll be pressing the same buttons or same combination of buttons over and over again, or will more than likely fall in love with a favorite technique that you'll be repeating to pound enemies with, the combat system in God of War is easily wrought but never dull or repetitive. There is a certain satisfaction in crushing your unholy foes with heroic simplicity, particularly when you emerge triumphant from a particularly nasty trap or ambush designed by your enemies. However, this does not mean to imply that combat in God of War is particularly easy. You'll constantly be challenged by foes in every turn who become tougher and tougher in varying degrees. You might fight the same skeleton crews who are now equipped with golden Midas shields, or you might fight two Cyclops instead of one, or you might even fight a skeleton crew equipped with Midas shields AND two cyclops instead of one. The way each new arew in God of War continually challenges you is a breath of fresh air and it continually asks you to proceed to find out what happens next. I'd write more on this review but I'm kind of bored now. Just buy the game and thank me later.
Adieu, adieu, greetings and adieu.