Not the visceral violent experience many people said it was, it still has a great story that will leave you satisfied.
Gameplay is simple but not boring, as simple, usually two button, commands send Kratos into wide variety of furious and visually pleasing maneuvers. All the game mechanics have had their kinks worked out, so Kratos is always doing what you want him to when you want him to do it.
The exposition of this game puts you in a battleground on the sea. Fighting your way through boats, you get a glimpse of nearly everything you'll do later in the game. Though it is a great tutorial, it feels very out of place with the rest of the game. It lacks the sense of adventure that the game picks up immediately after it's conclusion.
As soon as you reach dry land, you are pulled into an enthralling world, that will captivate you with with it's sights and sounds. You'll soon get a glimpse of the real meat of the game, the story. The way characters react to Kratos will make you intrigued by him, and what his past could be.
The story is so well told, only revealing small snippets of the mystery of Kratos at a time, that it will keep you playing long after the sheen of the gameplay wears off.
My qualms with the game are few: It would have been better if it were a few hours longer, a few plot points and events could have been handled better, or more imaginatively, and it could have used more puzzles, bosses, and a bit more platforming.
Weather you just want to beat the crap out of everything in sight, want a captivating story, a great, well polished gameplay experience, or something in between, there is something here for everyone, and this game cannot be missed.