Don't get me wrong, God of war is a great game. Just overrated. Short: set high difficulty. Bad platform.

User Rating: 8.3 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
God of war offers large amounts of hack and slash action and some platform elements too. If you select the middle difficultylevel, you will experience pretty easy combat and difficult platforming. The platforming is just anoing, you will be forced to do your normal jump-on-to-moving-platform + some more un-ordinary platforming. In my opinion the platforming part of the game is not only pretty dull and unrewarding, it's also very difficult. Platforming of course doesn't change if you change the difficulty! On the plus-side I guest it does add some length and variety to the game.

The combat is to easy and means to little in the game if you don't set the difficult high enough, my advice is to start at the highest level difficulty at your disposal. If you do that however it's really fun and challenging! You can upgrade your different "spells" and attacks + get new abilities, by collecting orbs (go for more attacks, this will enhance the combat). This work fine.

Graphics is just not as great as everyone says, I can name other games which has better! I guess sound is alright, haven't really noticed... fairly good music trough...

God of War is worth a try...