Probably the best PS2 game out there
Graphics 10/10 - The graphics in this game are just great.All the creatures,environments and people in this game are drawn great and the cutscenes are amazing;Athens looks completely realistic and wonderful.
Sound 10/10 - The music in this game is the best soundtrack I have heard in a game;it really makes you feel like you are in Greece.The voice acting for this is amazing aswell;the voice for Kratos fits him perfectly.The noise of the creatures,fights,battles around you and everything that makes sound in this game is awesome.
Value 10/10 - This game is totally worth your money as it is a wicked ass game with lots of replay value.Some people can blow through the game in 8hours(while i have only rented it,i played it for like 8hrs and only got over half way though the game)but for others it takes a long time.
Tilt 10/10 - I extremely like this game and I recommend it to everyone(well,atleast 13 as there are alot of mature parts).It is a MUST HAVE!!!