Probably the best PS2 game out there

User Rating: 10 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
Gameplay 10/10 - This game is one of the funnest games I have ever played.The controls are easy to use,with the fighting system being wicked.It is a pretty long game with great puzzles and a story that should be made into a movie.All of the weapons are so kool(including the Blades of Chaos,the best weapon in a game in my opinion)and boss battles are really neat.The difficulty level is just right,especially in easy mode since you will have no trouble(accept for like some puzzles or if you don't know where to go then you should use a good game guide).

Graphics 10/10 - The graphics in this game are just great.All the creatures,environments and people in this game are drawn great and the cutscenes are amazing;Athens looks completely realistic and wonderful.

Sound 10/10 - The music in this game is the best soundtrack I have heard in a game;it really makes you feel like you are in Greece.The voice acting for this is amazing aswell;the voice for Kratos fits him perfectly.The noise of the creatures,fights,battles around you and everything that makes sound in this game is awesome.

Value 10/10 - This game is totally worth your money as it is a wicked ass game with lots of replay value.Some people can blow through the game in 8hours(while i have only rented it,i played it for like 8hrs and only got over half way though the game)but for others it takes a long time.

Tilt 10/10 - I extremely like this game and I recommend it to everyone(well,atleast 13 as there are alot of mature parts).It is a MUST HAVE!!!