God of War is just an amzing Game overall!!!
1.Gameplay: It's Awesome, I would of pry ratted it higher, but since i've beaten it over 30 times it kinda looses it's pure awesomeness, but it's still great! especially the magic attacks! and sweet combo's
2.Graphics: There Actually really good, especially for a PS2 game, but of course a lot of PS2 games have great graphics, but there really nice, the epic scale of the environments, the beautiful & unique structure's are great! and just about everything looks awesome.
3.Sound: I can describe the sound in one word, Amazing, well the majority of it is the music, the orchestral music, is pure greatness, and the sound effects of the attacks, the screaming people lol, and everything else, even th footsteps sound great.
4.Value: Well idk what to say, except i've beaten it over 30 times, so you tell me if you think it has good value.
Now for the Con's
1.Gameplay: Even though the Gameplay is still solid, after so long, after a while it looses it's pizazz! and it leaves you kinda wanting more, and really only 2 of the magic attacks are used the most the other 2 are only really used for certain times, well at least for me.
2.Graphics: Even though the graphics are great, some of the things don't look anywhere as good as some of the other things, as to compare like the character models they don't necessarily look all that good, especially when they are compared to the environments, like Kratos has some pretty bad textures,and there are some graphical glitches sometimes but nothing serious, and there are some more but nothing real important.
3.Sound: The Sound is great! and although the music is awesome, I usually play the game with the music off! but I can't really complain about the sound, except maybe a few sound glitches here and there but thats about it.
4.Value, After about 20 times of playing threw the game, I got bored with it, but then I didn't play it for about 4 months, and then it was actually pretty fun again, so if your bored of it, then just wait a while then play it, and maybe it will be at least some what fun to you.
Overall:(originaly I would of gave this game a 9.2 when I first played it but since it's not the first time, I won't, but anyways) i'd say that if your an action/adventure fan, that doesn't mind a lot of violence/blood/gore/ and some Nudity threw out the beginning half of the game, or if your even in the least bit interested in Greek mythology I would say you should definitely pic up God of War! and even though it's ben out for a while, it's still a good, game, and plus if you don't have it by now, and you wanted it, just go and pick it up at the store for a 20$, and enjoy your gaming fun. O and also the extras a pretty sweet.